Down here on the Ice we work 10 hours a day, six days a week. They say only 9 hours but when I have to be at work at 7:30 AM and can't leave till 5:30PM, you eat in a company provided facility, have no other choices, that's all company related, comes out to be a 10 hour day required.
No Biggie though!! Just like the Marines, I'm a captive audience.
Looking for something to do today (Not like I don't have things I NEED to do) fun later. I have school work, some sewing (Yes, I can sew and darn, learned form my Granny Speelman WAY back in the 60's) to repair a set of Levi's and try to find something interesting to take pictures of (Hard, I know).
Not too happy with this blog software. Posting more than a couple pictures seems to screw up the layout. Could be "operator malfunction" and if it is, this software isn't too helpful to correct it. Might get better as I go along though.
Yea, back to the books today. Probably most the day on a Business Law course I'm WAY behind in.
Job is sooo not me in the "Schmoozing" department. Asked my boss why he hired me as I can get along with people, but I don't "Sugar Coat" things and I'm not partial to smiling when I want to rip their heads off. He says he has confidence in me LOL. We'll see.................
Went to my first Science Team In-Briefing yesterday. Met the French, Concordiasi people. Total of about 17 doing 4 different projects dealing with ballons measuring ozone and a bunch of other stuff I couldn't hear they describe. Talked too softly to be much of a teacher/Dr. Figured people who stood on podiums, in front of classes would have some wind and a "presence of bearing". NOT!
Will try to get some pictures of what they do later. All will help these short descriptions.
Warmer today, last night it was hitting -74 with wind chill. 32 Knot winds. It was COLD! Today is only -30 so far and not supposed to get much colder. Nice out (Sunny any ways) and still dark at 9AM with some light as if a false dawn is coming. Will be light by noon, one o-clock and last till 4PM or so.
Signing off!
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